Spain Meditation Retreat

Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Jun 24, 2018 at 12:00 PM PST

17220 Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Punta de Port Salvi, Girona, n/a, Spain

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Sale ended

Only for those who have already registered and want to purchase "add-ons" on the next page Partial Approval - $0.01

Click this option ONLY if you have already purchased your registration ticket and simply want to purchase one or more "add-ons" found on the next page.

sales ended

General Conference Fee Deposit Partial Approval - $619.00

This ticket is non-refundable. We have to put a downpayment for all of the rooms and the venue. By purchasing this ticket you are agreeing to a non-refundable deposit. We look forward to this wonderful meditation trip/experience to Spain with you! It will be incredible! The room purchases will follow after the deposit window has closed!

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  • Fee
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Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Jun 24, 2018 at 12:00 PM PST

Dr. O 

Spain, Girona


Dear friends and family, 

We have good news for you - 
Aactev8 will be hosting an intimate and exclusive:


Meditation Practicum 

In the beautiful Costa Brava in northern Spain

In addition to training and teaching, this unique opportunity will also emphasize workshopping the practices and gaining a deeper understanding of the real "how-to's" of meditation. There will be ample time of hands-on meditation taught and led by Dr. O.

We will be diving into the practices of meditation in an area known as the heart of ancient Christian and Jewish Mysticism!

However, we need your swift reply if you are interested. To move things forward,   
we need you to put your name and deposit of the conference fee down by March 25th 
We would really love to get our global community together for this week
Dates: June 19-24, 2018
Location: Port Salvi, Costa Brava, Spain 

Conference Fee:
 Conference Fee: $619
For Diamond Mentees : $199
For Ruby Mentees: $419 

Room and Board Fee:
 Full Room AND Board (all meals, per person)

-       Sea view single $855 Sea view double $725

-       Mtn. view single $725 Mtn. view double $635

 For all meals: vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, kosher, dairy free options will be available 




Frequently Asked Questions

When does the conference officially start/end?
The conference starts at 7pm on the 19th and ends at noon on the 24th. 
How will I get to the hotel? 
You can either take a taxi, rent a car or take the hotel bus from the airport. We provide that service for an additional $25 fee. We will have two buses picking up on the 19th and two busses dropping off on the 24th, and if it works with your flight time then that is awesome! This includes the Girona day trip as well!
What about food allergies?
All of that will be covered, please let us know ahead of time!
What if I want to come a night early and leave a day later?
If this is the case, then please let us know, we will try to get you on a short list and see if we can still get you the group rate, if not then you will have to book separately.




Will I have to pay for food? 
No, the price includes all meals

AACTEV8 International